Upregulated Ly-6 Gene Expression is Associated With Poor Overall Survival in Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma Patients


Authors: Luke Rathbun, Anthony Magliocco, Anil K Bamezai
Journal: The Journal of Immunology | Volume 208
Publisher: American Association of Immunologists

The human Ly-6 (hLy-6) gene family has recently gained interest for its possible role in tumor progression. High expression of hLy-6 genes is associated with poor overall survival in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients. To expand upon this work, we have carried out in silico analyses of all known hLy-6 gene expression in other cancers using TNMplot which shows differential gene expression in cancer tissues. We have also analyzed the patient survival by Kaplan-Meier plotter after mining the TCGA database. We report that upregulated expression of several hLy-6 genes is associated with poor cancer patient survival in many other cancer types, especially uterine corpus endometrial carcinoma (UCEC). Importantly, the expression of a number of hLy-6 genes is elevated in UCEC tissue when compared to the expression in normal uterine tissue. Further analysis of tumor-specific expression of the hLy-6 gene …

Anthony Magliocco