Colorectal Cancer and its Molecular Differences Between Sexes


Authors: Roy Khalife, Genevra Magliocco, So Hyeon Park, Anthony Magliocco
Journal: Cancer Research | Volume 82
Publisher: The American Association for Cancer Research

Introduction: Although the risk of colorectal cancer is roughly equal between sexes (slightly higher in males), the molecular profile between the two varies significantly. Many genes identified have a distinctive effect on outcome between these two subgroups, including actionable genes, the most frequently altered genes, and the most significantly altered genes. The molecular basis is important for understanding etiology and treatment options. Uncovering these molecular differences could help optimize screening and treatment and improve outcomes for colorectal cancer for both sexes.

Materials and Methods: This study used molecular data from three TCGA Colorectal Adenocarcinoma studies (Firehose Legacy, Nature 2012, and PanCancer Atlas) on cBioPortal. The two subgroups, males and females, were separated and analyzed for molecular differences. 1496 cases (790 male, 706 female) were analyzed on …

Anthony Magliocco